Monday, December 14, 2009

Serena Williams' "92K Mission"

In an effort to turn Serena's record fine (see previous entry) into a positive outcome, she has taken the opportunity to raise money for the Serena Williams Foundation. In a message sent December 12, Serena wrote as follows:

Hello all,

How are you all? I hope that all is well. I want to raise $92,000, to match what I am being fined from the ITF (international tennis federation) and donate it to some of my many philanthropic endeavors. The ITF denied my request to use some of the monies toward a charity of my choice-so I decided to match what I was FINED by raising money for the Serena Williams Foundation, my second Secondary school that will be opening in Africa soon, other charities & schools.

I will not only be raising money but I will be donating as well. I have started to gather personal clothes to give away as well as things that I have worn during tournaments to auction off. Dresses I wore a various Wimbledon's, US Opens, French Opens, Australian Opens, and more will be auctioned off and 100% of proceeds will go to my charity until we reach our 92k mission!!
As you know, I am an advocate for education. I will be donating money to schools in California and Florida because learning is key, and this experience has educated me beyond belief so I would also like to take this opportunity to educate Women about what I have learned from this experience. It does not matter if you are an athlete, student, teacher, attorney or a police officer, we as women should not be treated as less than equal. It is our right as HUMANS to be treated equal no matter race, color, or gender. I will start this mission by donating clothes to women Shelters throughout California. My first mission is to donate clothes to Liberty Social Services of San Diego County. I am asking that you all help me reach this goal in turning 92k into a great MISSION of Empowerment for Education & Woman!

Visit the Serena Williams Foundation to learn more about how you all can help me reach my 92k MISSION!!!


So, I am interested to know what you think about Serena's "92K Mission?"


Casey said...

I really like how Serena wants to change something negative into something positive. Being a female, high profile athlete has to be a hard duty to fifull. Women are always under the magnifying glass and have a much harder time with the media. This "92K Mission" sounds like a wondeful idea and I only wish her sucess.

The Tennis Prof Chronicles said...

I agree with you that this is a great idea for turning something that was negative into a positive. I would not be surprised if Serena raises far more than $92K in the process!

The Tennis Prof Chronicles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kathy jamieson said...

i am curious why a post was removed, esp as one of our colleagues studies blogging as racialized atmosphere - i am imagining all kinds of heinous commentary. As to the 92K mission - i hope there will also be transparency and follow-up on the mission, otherwise it can feel like a media relations moment, i think.

The Tennis Prof Chronicles said...

Hi Kathy,

Actually, I removed the post after showing the students in my grad class how to post a comment. So it was nothing nefarious (is that the right word?:-)

Thanks for checking it out!
